Longstanding bursary continues to help next generation of law students
Jonathan Horlick (LLB'80) says the bursary he established honours his parents, who encouraged him to make the most of his opportunities.
Like many law school students, when Jonathan Horlick (LLB’80) decided to pursue a legal education he had to take out student loans. “I was fortunate to manage the costs of my degree in reasonable ways,” he says. “But those costs are so insignificant compared to what students are dealing with today.”
Now many years into his own career and well aware of the rising costs of a law degree, Horlick wants to support the next generation of law students. In 2003, he set up a bursary at the College of Law in honour of his parents and he continues to contribute to it.
“My parents made a point of telling my brothers and I that education is important and this was their legacy. They assisted us with our education and encouraged us to make the most of our opportunities,” shares Horlick.
And these days he recognizes just how important his legal degree has been to his success. “When I reflect on my opportunities in life, it’s really tied to the education I obtained. It’s been the lever that’s opened doors and supported my career growth.”
As a donor to the College of Law, Horlick takes great pride in knowing that he’s making a difference in students’ lives. “It’s a very rewarding way to help someone else, acknowledging the positive things that come from the education that we’ve all obtained,” he explains. “My hope is that they might pay it forward in the future.”
Horlick hopes that other College of Law alumni will consider supporting student awards and bursaries, too. “Education is so fundamentally important in every field or endeavour. I think people will feel a sense of reward in helping someone else reach their goals.”
Today, more than half of students in the college say they are facing financial challenges. As there are a limited number of bursaries and awards for law students, a top priority of the college is to help more students in need. With the generosity of donors like Jonathan Horlick, more students will have access to a legal education.
To learn more about how you or your class can support access to education in law - or one of the college’s other fundraising priorities - please reach out to Stacey Schewaga, Development Officer at 306-966-5606 or stacey.schewaga@usask.ca.