Class of 1972 gives back in an exceptional way
Upon their graduation in 1972, the law class promised to stay close and keep in touch. This bond is still strong, as half of the Class of 1972 gathered for a reunion in July 2022 to celebrate 50 years and create a remarkable, inspiring legacy.
In celebration of their successes and friendships over 50 years, the class also chose to support the accomplishments of the next generation and give back to where it all began by creating a bursary for law students.
The Class of 1972 anticipated that support for this bursary would be strong and set an initial goal of $25,000. The fund quickly grew to $50,000 and then exceeded $75,000, so they have now set $100,000 as the next milestone! The endowed bursary will create numerous awards for law students for years to come. The college is most appreciative of the class’s support and is excited to bestow the first bursary in the coming months during the 2022/23 academic year.
As the costs of legal education continue to increase, more than half of the students in the college currently identify as facing financial challenges. The college has a limited number of bursaries and awards for law students. A top priority and commitment of the college is to help more students in need. With the generosity of donors like the Class of 1972, more law students will have access to education.
To learn more about how you or your class can make a difference and support access to education in law or any of the college’s other top priorities, please reach out to Stacey Schewaga, Development Officer at 306-966-5606 or stacey.schewaga@usask.ca