Law Students' Association (LSA)
The LSA is a student-run organization that provides law students with various kinds of support while at the University of Saskatchewan. Although membership is voluntary, the LSA operates on a break-even basis and memberships help cover all costs involved in providing services and events. The LSA provides academic liaisons with faculty, and coordinates many social functions and athletic activities.
2024-2025 LSA Executive Council:
- President: 3L Samuel Riendeau:;
- VP Internal Affairs: 3L Maria Garcia:;
- VP External Affairs: 3L Ayden Cummins
- VP Administration: 3L Amy Bjarnason
- VP Finance: 3L Jordyn Nachtegaele
- VP Academics: 3L Emily Zunti
- VP Athletics: 2L Jetta Bilsky
- VP Social: 3L Andrew Sproule
- VP Indigenous Relations: 2L Ethan Hupe
- VP Wellness: 2L Alicia Bossence
- VP Family Relations: 3L Alyssa Cratty
2024-2025 LSA General Council
- Chairperson: Lauren Hill
- Social Directors: Amanda Eberle and Josh Lily
- Men's Athletic Representative: Evan Schultz
- Women's Athletic Representative: Jill Wolkoski
- USSU Representative: Paras Sidhu
- Logistics and Administration Director (LAD): Hassan Sajjad
- Canadian Bar Association Student Representive: 3L Griffin Moody,
- Saskatchewan Trial Lawyers Association Student Representative: 3L Breanna Bjarnason
- Community Outreach Coordinator: 2L Amy Lalonde
- Indigenous Relations Representative: 2L Amy Constant
- Publicity Director: Sam Dorish
- 3rd Year Class Representatives: Aun Syed and Emily Claude
- 3rd Year Representative to Faculty Council: Fakeha Jamil
- 2nd Year Class Representatives: Alyssa Abrametz and Priya Braithwaite: and
- 2nd Year Representative to Faculty Council: 2L Avery Gray:
- 1st Year Representative, Section 1: Isabella Veresh
- 1st Year Representative, Section 2: Stephanie Chelack
- 1st Year Representative to Faculty Council, Section 1: Emily Reaume
- 1st Year Representative to Faculty Council, Section 2: Skyler Gagne
- Career Development Representative: 2L Priya Braithwaite:
- Career Development Representative: 2L Alyssa Abrametz:
The Official U of S LSA Social Group
USask Law Students’ Association
Indigenous Law Students' Association (ILSA)
The Indigenous Law Students' Association (ILSA) is a student-run organization that fosters a community of academic, professional, and social support among Indigenous students in the College of Law. ILSA represents and supports the interests of Indigenous students and promotes appropriate legal education for Indigenous people in a culturally sensitive learning environment. Customary tradition and ceremony are the foundation of ILSA’s mandate to create a supportive community for all. ILSA works alongside the LSA to provide services, events, and social functions for all law students.
2024-2025 ILSA president:
- 2L Amy Constant:
Students ILSA USask
Everyone USask Indigenous Law Students' Association
Black Law Students' Association of Saskatchewan
The Black Law Students' Association of Saskatchewan is committed to supporting and enhancing academic and professional opportunities for Black law students. We are concerned with challenges faced by the Black community as they relate to the legal system. Our want to promote increased representation of Black students in law schools and assist in facilitating their success.
We reflect the diversity of the African/Black/Caribbean experience and welcome allies from all backgrounds who also seek to make a meaningful contribution to the furtherance of justice.
Our mandate, in association with the National Black Law Students’ Association of Canada, is to create a strong community where Black law students feel they belong, mentorship for the growth and success of the Black legal community, and support for students towards a successful legal career. To that end, we plan on introducing the Julius Alexander Moot and Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré Negotiation competition to our College of Law. BLSA Saskatchewan Students are also invited to the Annual National Conference and Civil Law Symposium!
2024-2025 BLSA president:
- 1L Joy Olusanya:
Chess Club
The Chess Club is a student organization of aspiring lawyers who share an interest in the ancient game of chess. Whether you are a chess whiz or just starting out, our Club offers a stimulating environment where you can sharpen your critical thinking skills while building lasting friendships with fellow law students. Join us for what is sure to be an entertaining and exciting year of friendly competition!
2024-2025 Chess Club president:
- 3L Sam Matsell:
Christian Legal Fellowship, Saskatchewan Chapter
The USask Christian Legal Fellowship is an inter-denominational community of law students seeking to explore the relationship between our faith and the study and practice of law. We gather for prayer, discussion, and community service, while supporting each other and building friendships in our shared love of God. In our pursuit to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly, we aspire to enhance our understanding of principles that are consistent with, and illuminated by, our Christian faith. All are welcome!
2024-2025 Christian Legal Fellowship contacts:
- 3L Lea Croucamp and 3L Rochelle Hartung:
Corporate Law Club
The Corporate Law Club is a student organization for individuals that aim to pursue a career in corporate law. Likewise, students who want to learn more about the practice of corporate law are encouraged to join. Our annual events include Pub Golf, the In-House Firm Tour, and Suits for the Stars. We look forward to your participation. Meetings are held once a month.
2024-2025 Corporate Law Club president:
- 3L Alyssa Cratty:
Criminal Law Club
The purpose of the Criminal Law Club is to provide a forum for its members for discussion and education within the field of criminal law, to work with members of the justice community to advocate access to justice and to work to connect students, faculty and members of the criminal law profession in expanding the understanding and knowledge related to criminal law.
Debate Club
The USask College of Law's Legal Debate Club is committed to fostering intellectual diversity, inclusion and allowing students to become more effective advocates.
The USask Debate Club is a brand-new student club at the College of Law that is devoted to teaching students to become more effective oral advocates. Short of mooting, law students seldom engage in structured and meaningful debates within the formal education program. Join us for regular debates where you can practice public speaking in a safe and inclusive environment.
The Debate Club can help students to be more eloquent and succinct in speaking, whether it is in front of their judges when mooting or with their teammates. Debate teaches students to think critically about different topics, researching and crafting arguments that they may not necessarily agree with. Joining the debate club will undoubtedly boost academic performance and would build confidence in public speaking, presenting and interviewing.
The Dissent
Meet the College of Law's Charity Band. They perform at Legal Follies, and it's your opportunity to witness nerdy students transform into rockstars. Whenever they perform at live venues, 100% of the proceeds go to a charity (announced at Legal Follies).
2024-2025 members of The Dissent are:
- 3L Sophie Lovsin:
- 2L Jared Graham:
- 3L Eryn Stewart
- 1L Lucas Brown
- 1L Jaylyn Kim
Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL) - Western Chapter
The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL) is a diverse coalition of Asian Canadian legal professionals working to promote equity, justice, and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the wider community.
2024-2025 Student Advisory Committee Member:
- 3L Sally Maeng Fehr:
Green Legal
Green Legal is a student group that aims to increase environmental awareness and sustainability within the College of Law, build environmental law and policy analysis skills among members, and support community-based organizations. Green Legal projects are grassroots initiatives pushed forward by the members, and include organizing fundraisers for environmental charities, holding educational panels, having get-togethers with environmental law practitioners over a plate of nachos, and running river clean ups. Green Legal also sells nametags at the beginning of the year for networking events.
2024-2025 Green Club president:
- 3L Sarah Rezazadeh:
Just Rights
Just Rights is the social justice advocacy student group at the College of Law. Each year Just Rights fundraises and raises awareness for current human rights and social justice issues impacting communities locally and abroad.
Labour & Employment Law Club
The Labour & Employment Law Club seeks to share networking, social opportunities, practice area training and education opportunities on Labour & Employment Law, Labour Relations, and Industrial Lawyers. The main events planned throughout the year include different practicing lawyers from the Labour & Employment field to speak.
2024-2025 Labour & Employment Law Club president:
- 3L Alyssa Cratty:
Legal Follies Association Inc.
Legal Follies: A non-profit, charity organization that hosts a variety show showcasing the talent (or lack thereof) of students, faculty and staff of the College of Law – all for a good cause! This is a great way to get involved, no matter your degree of skill!
Legal Follies Leadership 2024-2025:
- Co-Director: Amy Bjarnason:
- Co-Director: Emily Claude:
- Finance Chair: Frank Chou:
- Outreach Chair: Alyssa Cratty:
- Publicity Chair: Taylor Ernst:
- Backstage Chair: Alison Chrystian:
Legal Lifters Partnership (LLP)
The Legal Lifters Partnership (LLP) is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle for law students, striking a balance between heavy reading and heavy training. LLP hosts charity events throughout the year and is designed to give students an avenue to bolster their resume with charity work and make some university memories in the process.
Legal Lifters 2025-2025 Executive:
- President: Griffin Moody:
- Vice-president: Sam Riendeau:
- Recording secretary: Josh Lilly:
- Secretary-Treasurer: Hassan Sajjad:
LEVEL - Social Justice Fellowship Program
Level's Social Justice Fellowship Program empowers law students and equips them with the skills to become social justice advocates.
Social Justice Fellows are Level's representatives and ambassadors to their respective law schools. Their main obligation is to promote Level's mandate within their own law school communities. This is done by executing a long-term project based on a social justice issue of their choice.
By engaging in the Social Justice Fellowship Program, fellows have the opportunity to learn about social justice issues, engage their campuses, perform outreach to the broader community, refine their leadership skills, and become better advocates for social justice.
Through this program, Level aims to create a steady stream of dedicated social justice advocates entering the legal field.
Pro Bono Students Canada-USask Chapter
The PBSC-USask Chapter facilitates one of the largest law student volunteer programs in Canada. PBSC volunteer placements provide students the opportunity to apply the skills they learn in the classroom to meet legal needs identified by our community partners. Our program works to increase access to justice and champions the value of pro bono service.
2024-2025 PBSC-USask Chapter Coordinators:
- 3L Saly Maeng Fehr & 2L Veronica Dirk-Pothier:
PBSC USask Facebook page
Check out the PBSC-USask Chapter website for more information and a full list of its projects.
Runnymede Society (USask Law)
Runnymede Society takes its name from a meadow by the Thames River where the Magna Carta, a document guaranteeing certain individual liberties against state power, was signed by King John in 1215. Today, the Magna Carta is considered to have laid the foundation for Constitutionalism, and serves as a symbol for liberty and the Rule of Law.
We are a national organization with affiliated chapters in various law schools and law firms. Our members include law students, legal scholars, practicing lawyers, judicial clerks, and more. Our guiding principles are (1) Constitutionalism: the Canadian Constitution is the supreme law, from which all government power must derive and be limited by; (2) Freedom: certain fundamental liberties are guaranteed by the Canadian Constitution, and are of paramount importance; (3) The Rule of Law: all people, institutions, and government bodies must be subject to the same laws. No one is above the law; (4) We seek to foster intellectual diversity and good faith dialogue within our law school.
2024-2025 Runnymede representative:
- 3L Andrew Sproule:
Women in Law
Women in Law (WiL) aims to build gender equality at the college and the greater legal community by tackling sexism at all stages and promoting allyship. WiL aims to celebrate, empower, and support women by developing women’s leadership skills, confidence, and involvement in the legal field.
2024-2025 Women in Law co-founders and presidents
- 3L Fakeha (Fay) Jamil:
- 3L Dominique Panko: