Course information and program requirements

First-year requirements

Incoming students are automatically enrolled in, and must complete, the following first-year classes. For more information visit the New to Law page.

For students entering into the JD program prior to September 2019:

  • LAW 202.5 Contracts 
  • LAW 203.5 Criminal Law 
  • LAW 208.6 Property I 
  • LAW 212.6 Tort Law 
  • LAW 230.5 Constitutional Law
  • LAW 232.3 Kwayeskastasowin Setting Things Right
  • LAW 243.0 Legal Research and Writing (students must receive a grade of 60 per cent or better)
  • LAW 244.0 Dispute Resolution

For students entering into the JD program September 2019 or later:

  • LAW 202.5 Contracts 
  • LAW 203.5 Criminal Law 
  • LAW 210.5 Property I 
  • LAW 211.5 Tort Law 
  • LAW 230.5 Constitutional Law
  • LAW 232.3 Kwayeskastasowin Setting Things Right
  • LAW 245.2 Legal Research and Writing (students must receive a grade of 60 per cent or better)
  • LAW 244.0 Dispute Resolution

Second and third-year requirements

Students must receive a grade of 60 per cent or better to satisfy the minor or major paper and seminar requirements. Students must pass the mandatory courses. JD students must complete the following requirements in upper years in order to graduate:

Course load of 15 credit units per term, for a total of 60 credit units, including the following:

  • minor paper or major paper (at least one of the two mandatory writing requirements must be completed in Year 2.  The minor paper requirement can be fulfilled through a major paper and, thus, the two paper requirements may be fulfilled by completing two major papers or a major and a minor paper)
  • seminar class (Year 2 or Year 3)
  • LAW 340.3 (Year 2)
  • LAW 421.3 (Year 2 or Year 3)

Additionally, students must complete 3 credit units from the following list of senior-level Indigenous Law courses, or equivalent, as approved by the Associate Dean Academic (Year 2 or Year 3):

  • LAW 306.3 Law Foundation of SK Chair Seminar (Metis Law)
  • LAW 308.3 Global Indigenous Rights and Resource Development 
  • LAW 313.3 Selected Topics in Indigenous Legal Studies
  • LAW 341.3 First Nations Economic Development
  • LAW 422.3 Indigenous Legal Processes
  • LAW 436.3 Canadian Aboriginal Law
  • LAW 443.3 Indigenous Peoples and the Criminal Process
  • LAW 447.3 Aboriginal Rights Moot
  • LAW 453.3 Aboriginal Law and Policy in Canada
  • LAW 473.3 Indigenous Self Government in Canada
  • LAW 479.3 Selected Topics in Indigenous Legal Studies Seminar
  • LAW 480.3 Indigenous Peoples in International and Comparative Law
  • LAW 496.3 Indigenous Nation Building
  • LAW 498.3 Special Topics: Colonialism
  • LAW 498.3 Indigenous Child Protection Practicum

 For more information, please see Academic Regulations, Guidelines, and Policies page.

Visit the University of Saskatchewan Course and Program Catalogue and select LAW in the subject code drop-down menu to view all law course offerings.

Registration for 2L and 3L opens on June 25, 2024.

2024-2025 Long Course Descriptions


The college offers a number of application-based courses that are not available through the PAWS registration system. Please see below for specific information on applying to these courses. NOTE: Because these are application-based, enrolment in these courses is not guaranteed. Therefore, you should still register for a full complement of courses as you normally would on PAWS on the registration date. If and once you are accepted into any of the application-based courses, you will be able to drop classes to accommodate your schedule/requirements.

2024-2025 Experiential Learning Registration Information

2024-2025 Experiential Learning Application Based Courses

2024-2025 Course Planning in Dispute Resolution

2024-2025 Law Review 490.3

2024-2025 CLASSIC Guide (Intensive Clinical Guidebook)

2024-2025 IDR FAQ/Proposal Form


Please see links below. Once you have registered, you will be able to view your class schedule including class locations in the My courses channel in PAWS. It is the student’s responsibility to check their exam schedule in PAWS for the date, time, and location of their examinations. 

For general USask exam information, please visit the University of Saskatchewan exam page.


2025-2026 Curriculum Information Package

*This package was made available to 1L students in advance of the March 19, 2025 information session.

Registering for classes

Information about 1L self-registration is circulated late-June to your USask email.

Before you register:

  • Ensure have reviewed the requirements above.
  • Review the College of Law exam schedule to ensure that your exam dates do not conflict. Exam information will not be available in PAWS until later in the fall.
  • Note that all courses may not be offered every year or every term. For a list of course offerings in each year, please consult the class search website. The college will ensure that mandatory courses are offered so that students can meet course requirements.

Full instructions for class registration can be found on the USask Classes and Registration page.

Register through the registration channel in PAWS

Academic regulations, guidelines and policies

For complete details, students may consult the University Policies in conjunction with the college’s Academic Regulations, with the latter taking priority wherever they modify or supplement the USask regulations or policies.


Students are required to attend classes in courses in which they are registered. Persistent failure to attend may lead to exclusion from their examinations or assessment in their courses.

Leaves of absence, withdrawals and part time studies

After completing first year, a leave of absence of up to two years is permitted upon notifying the Associate Dean Academic before the add-drop deadline for the term (approximately 2 weeks into the term). In other circumstances, students wishing to take a leave of absence requires permission from the Associate Dean Academic.

A student who is taking fewer than 15 credit units per term will be considered a part-time student for college purposes. Students wishing to pursue part time studies must get permission from the Associate Dean Academic. Students should keep in mind that they ordinarily must complete the JD requirements within six years in order to receive their degree. Students are ordinarily required to complete their first year studies within two years.

Part time students who have completed some, but not all, of their first year courses may, with advance permission of the Associate Dean Academic, be able to take upper year courses in some circumstances.

Students who withdraw from the JD program can only return:

  1. First-year students: by applying for re-admission in competition with other students applying for admission in that year
  2. Upper-year students: with permission of the faculty 

Outside courses

Students may be permitted to take 6 credit units through another USask college during upper years for credit toward their JD. The course(s) must be approved, in advance, by the Associate Dean Academic. Applications are assessed from the standpoint of how the outside senior-level course contributes to the applicant's understanding of the law. 

Letters of permission to study at another law College are granted only in extraordinary circumstances.

To go on an exchange for credit, students must get permission from the Associate Dean Academic.  More information on exchanges is available through the Associate Dean Academic’s office.

To receive credit for outside courses, certain grades will need to be achieved, as required in the college’s Academic Regulations.

Overload courses

In special cases, a student may be given permission to undertake a program involving a load in excess of 15 credit units. Students wishing to take more than 15 credit units, whether or not they wish to get credit toward their JD degree and including those in the JD/MBA program, should contact the Associate Dean Academic in advance.


Grades are released only after the Board of Examiners has approved the final grades, several weeks after exams have ended. 

Please note that the College of Law has a 10 day time limit to appeal grades. Students are normally emailed detailed instructions about how to appeal grades at the end of each term.

More information on grades can be found within the Academic Regulations and under Grade Distributions and Guidelines.

Standards for promotion, academic difficulty & supplemental work

To be promoted to second-year, students must obtain a 64 per cent average, with no F's and must have at least 60 per cent in the Legal Research and Writing requirement (in which they must have completed all components).

To be promoted within the upper-year program, students need a 64 per cent average each year and meet the Course Requirements.

Note that averages are calculated at the end of the academic year (that is, after winter term), and pass/fail courses and courses outside the college are not included in the calculation. Students should take this into consideration when enrolling in outside courses or pass/fail courses or practicums.

Students are only entitled to supplemental work if their average at the end of the year is between 60 and 64 per cent or if their average is over 60 per cent and they have a grade of F. Students may only do supplemental work in up to 13 credit units, and only in courses in which the students received less than 64 per cent.

Students who do not meet the 64 per cent threshold after completing supplemental work to which they are entitled will have their case considered by the Board of Examiners, and may be required to discontinue.

Desired graduate attributes

In January 2013, the faculty of the College of Law adopted a statement of the qualities they aim for JD graduates to be able to demonstrate. Read the statement here.

Questions? Contact us.

Associate Dean Academic

University of Saskatchewan examination regulations will apply to all students registered in the College of Law, and are supplemented by the College of Law's Academic Regulations. These regulations include information on the college's deferred examination policy and accommodations available in addition to those provided by Access and Equity Services.

All term work must be completed by the last day of classes each term. Instructors may grant extensions to individual students up to and including the last day of College of Law examinations. Extensions beyond the last day of College of Law examinations may only be granted, with or without a penalty, by the Associate Dean Academic

Connect with us

Connecting with the College of Law through PAWS, email and social media is essential for keeping yourself informed and building connections with the services and people who are here to help you.

For more details and instructions on IT services provided by the University of Saskatchewan, visit

PAWS is the recommended way for students to access their email. It is easy to use and very accessible. It also allows you to organize your calendars, contacts, and tasks. 

To access your email in PAWS: 

1. Log in to using your NSID and password. 
2. Select the Email and Calendar link in the left sidebar. 


3. Your email will open as an Outlook Web App in a separate window. 

You have the choice to access three wireless network services at USask: an internal network service, a guest/conference network service, and a public service. Before you can access a network, you will need to configure your laptop or devices (see link in 'getting started'). 

The Microsoft Student Advantage program allows students in all colleges at USask to download and install the latest Microsoft Office software on up to five computers at no cost. This includes full versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and other titles. 

There are two printers available for student use at the College of Law. One is in the law library, the other is in the Dentons Canada LLP Student Lounge. Set-up instructions are posted on the printers. 

Like, follow and share on our social media to stay connected:


Scholarships and financial assistance

All first-year applicants are automatically considered for most entrance scholarships upon acceptance.  If an opportunity requires an application, students will be notified. 

Academic-based scholarships

In August of each year, students entering second and third year are considered for College of Law Continuing Scholarships. These are based on the previous year(s) academic performance. You will be notified at your email in mid-late August if you are successful.

Honours to graduating students

The third-year graduating student with the highest cummulative average will receive the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Gold Medal and the Thomas Dowrick Brown Prize (most distinguished graduate). The graduating student with the second highest overall average will receive the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Silver Medal and the Ron Fritz Prize in Law. The graduating student with the third highest graduating average will receive the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Bronze Medal. Students who elect to transfer credits in their third year are ineligible.  

Application-based scholarships/awards

A call for applications will go out via PAWS Announcements and to your email in early-mid fall (Term 1) and early-mid winter (Term 2) inviting you to apply for a variety of scholarships/awards. Eligibility, amount and other details will be included in the call. These opportunities are frequently, but not exclusively, based on one’s volunteerism and involvement in the community/law school.


A call for applications will go out via PAWS Announcements and to your in early-mid fall (term 1) and early-mid winter (term 2). All bursaries are based on financial need so completion of a Financial Needs Calculator will be required. Details will be conveyed in the calls for application.

Course prizes

Automatically awarded in May to students who: a) achieve the highest grade in a course with a prize (not all law classes have an assigned prize); or b) have the highest blended average in one or more courses in a subject area.

Information about emergency financial assistance is available to students through the University of Saskatchewan, contact Student Central.

The College of Law also operates an emergency funding program for College of Law students. Students in need are encouraged to contact:

Associate Dean, Academic 
College of Law, University of Saskatchewan 

Exchanges and transfers

The College of Law offers students the opportunity to study at some of the top law schools in the world with many college-to-college agreements making the process of applying and receiving acceptance at host institutions easier.  Students are welcome to apply to any approved Exchange Program.

Students should be aware that while credits earned on exchange are counted toward the number of credits required for graduation, the grades earned on exchange are not incorporated into their grade point average. For additional information, please contact the College of Law or:

Exchange and Study Abroad Office, University of Saskatchewan
105 Administration Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A2
Study Abroad Website

Students wishing to transfer to another law school for completion of their JD degree should contact:

Associate Dean, Academic
College of Law, University of Saskatchewan 

Interested in transferring to the College of Law from another law school? Check out the "Transfers" section on the Applying to Law page.

Part-time studies

Current JD students interested in the part-time program should contact:

Associate Dean, Academic
College of Law, University of Saskatchewan

About the part-time program:

Part-time students, in their second and third years, are permitted to spread the normal two-year load (full-time) over two-and-one-half years, three years, or three-and-one-half years, as well as the existing four-year period. In the selection of their courses, part-time students are subject to the following requirements:

  • all three years of study must be completed within a period of six years
  • not less than two half-course equivalents must be completed in any term, and not less than five half-course equivalents must be completed in any given year. Note: If a student needs fewer than two courses in a term, or fewer than five courses in a year to graduate, the student may take the number of courses necessary for graduation

Should the circumstances which necessitated election of part-time study change, students must convert to full-time status upon completion of first year or at the appropriate times in upper years.  

Life after law school

There are many career and academic options available to someone who has earned a JD. However, many of these options require you to become a practicing, licensed lawyer.

The Law Society is the professional and governing body for lawyers in each province or territory and each respective Law Society has its own procedures and rules for becoming a fully licensed and practicing lawyer. Students are individually responsible for ensuring they meet the requirements of the Law Society in the province or territory where they are interested in becoming a student-at law and eventually licensed to practice as a lawyer.

Generally the steps to becoming a lawyer are as follows:  

  • Successfully complete law school
  • Apply to graduate from law school (in third year).
  • Apply for admission as a student-at-law with the respective Law Society. 
  • Article or Clerkship - Articling is a process where a student-at-law works under the guidance of a principal lawyer who is a licensed lawyer or Judge.
  • Complete the Bar Admission Course / Examinations: refer to the respective Law Society.
  • Apply to become a lawyer with the respective Law Society.
For more information about articling and practicing law in Saskatchewan, please visit: 

Law Society of Saskatchewan
Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED)