Two chairs begin terms in college
The University of Saskatchewan College of Law is thrilled to welcome two new endowed chairs who began their terms in the college this month.
Kerri Froc, Law Foundation of Saskatchewan H. Robert Arscott Chair
Kerri Froc began her term as chair on January 1 and will serve in the college until December 31, 2025. She is an Associate Professor at UNB Law, as well as a former Trudeau and Vanier Scholar.
"I am truly honoured to come 'home' to Saskatchewan, to be amongst family, old friends and colleagues and to have a chance to contribute to the vibrancy of the University of Saskatchewan College of Law. While here, I am hoping to further my work on the relationship between the 'notwithstanding clause' and women's rights, as well as hosting a national conference on the 40th anniversary of the coming into effect of section 15 of the Charter."
About Kerri Froc: Dr. Froc received her Ph.D. from Queen’s University (2016), her Master of Laws from the University of Ottawa (2009); her Bachelor of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School (1996);and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Regina (1993). Her publications include topics such as constitutional interpretation, access to justice, reproductive rights, women’s rights of political representation, and complex rights violations experienced by working women, poor women and racialized and Indigenous women.
A well-known media commentator, she has been quoted as a constitutional expert in regional and national television and newspapers, as well as the Washington Post and National Public Radio. Before completing her doctorate, she spent 18 years as a lawyer, as a civil litigator in Regina for Balfour Moss (now Miller Thomson), a staff lawyer for the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), and as a staff lawyer in the areas of law reform and equality at the Canadian Bar Association.
Dr. Froc is a member of the Saskatchewan and New Brunswick bars, and has appeared at all levels of court, including the Supreme Court of Canada. She has also appeared before various parliamentary Committees to testify on issues related to constitutional women's rights, most recently on a Senate study of extreme intoxication in criminal law. She is a board member and past Chair of the Canadian law reform organization, National Association of Women and the Law.
Dino Kritsiotis, Ariel F. Sallows Chair in Human Rights
Dino Kritsiotis began his term as the Ariel F. Sallows Chair in Human Rights on Jan. 1 and will serve in this role until June 30, 2025. He is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Nottingham, where he has taught since October 1994. He serves as the Director of the Nottingham International Law & Security Centre (NILSC), where he is the founding head of the International Humanitarian Law Unit (established in 2012).
"It is a real privilege to join the University of Saskatchewan College of Law as its next Ariel F. Sallows Chair in Human Rights, and I intend to spend my period of residence developing and sharing my critical thinking on international humanitarian law—its governing assumptions, its modalities of regulation, its aspirations to relevance in the world of today—with colleagues and students alike. What an enormous honour it is for me to join the rank of names associated with this visitorship at the college, a time that will also be productively used to learn more of Canada’s relationship with international human rights law."
About Dino Kritsiotis: Professor Kritsiotis is a recognized authority in the field of public international law, where he specializes in the legal regulation of force and armed conflict (international humanitarian law), as well as the history and theory of public international law.
Among his many publications are Conceptual and Contextual Perspectives on the Modern Law of Treaties (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and his lectures on "Intervention and and the Problematization of Consent" in Max Planck Trialogues on the Law of Peace and War (Vol. IV: Armed Intervention and Consent) (Cambridge University Press, 2023). He also serves as co-editor (alongside Eyal Benvenisti of the University of Cambridge) of the Cambridge History of International Law (Vol. XII: International Law After the Cold War), which is due to be published by Cambridge University Press in the next calendar year.