Dr. Jaime Lavallee SJD
Assistant Professor- Address
- 160.18 (ILC)
Research Area(s)
- Nation Building
- Governance - Indigenous and Corporate
- Indigenous entrepreneurship and economic development
- Repatriation of ancestors and cultural items
- Racism in the academy
Professional Education
SJD (University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law)
Pro. Dir. (Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina)
LLM (University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law)
JD (University of Toronto)
Dr. Jaime Lavallee (SJD) joined the University of Saskatchewan College of Law in July 2018. She focuses on Nation-building according to the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development (HPAIED) model.
Previously, she was the Director of Indigenous Governance, Law & Policy with the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council. Dr. Lavallee has held positions with First Peoples Worldwide working on international Indigenous rights in southern Africa; National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers on Indigenous cultural rights; National NAGPRA Program, specializing in the U.S. law - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA); National Preservation Institute; and Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina Campus.
Dr. Lavallee has also been an active volunteer and community member, and currently serves on the Association on American Indian Affairs Working Group on International Repatriation; Program of Legal Studies for Native Peoples Alumni Group, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Investment Management Corporation; and Saskatchewan Polytechnic Business Diploma Advisory Committee. She has previously served on the following: Regina Exhibition Association Ltd. (REAL), Civic Museum of Regina, Indspire Rivers to Success mentor, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Elections Act Committee, Ranch Ehrlo Society,and Saskatchewan First Nation 2017 Summer Games Host Society.
Dr. Jaime M.N. Lavallee is a citizen of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation in Treaty 6 Territory, Saskatchewan, Canada. She holds a JD from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and an LLM and SJD from the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law in Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy.
Courses Taught
- Kwayeskastasowin (2018-2019; 2019-2020)
- Canadian Aboriginal Law (2018-current)
- Indigenous Nation Building (2020-current)
Selected Publications and Research Work
Lavallee, Jaime M.N. (2022) "How To Be Biased in the Classroom: Kwayeskastasowin - Setting Things Right?," Mitchell Hamline Law Review: Vol. 48: Iss. 3, Article 3.
Available at: https://open.mitchellhamline.edu/mhlr/vol48/iss3/3
Dieter, J., McKim, L. T., Tickell, J., Bourassa, C. A., Lavallee, J., and Boehme, G. (2018). The Path of Creating Co-Researchers in the File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 9(4) .DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2018.9.4.1
Chari, S & Lavallee, J.M.N.. (2013). Accomplishing NAGPRA: Perspectives on the intent, impact, and future of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. 1-296.
Chari, S & Lavallee, J.M.N, CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship, Exhibit Review, IndiVisible: African-Native American Lives in the Americas, Vol. 7, Number 1, Winter 2010
Hutt, S. and Lavallee, J, Tribal Consultations: Best Practices in Historic Preservation, National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, May 2005. Report originally designed by Dr. Hutt, subsequent research and preparation by Jaime Lavallee, available here: NATHPO_best_practices.pdf
Jarvis, T.D., Kraus, B.D., Nichols R., and Lavallee, J., Report of the NATHPO Tribal Tourism Toolkit Project: Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Indian Country, 2005. Available here: nathpo-tribal-toursim-toolkit.pdf
Ongoing grants
Canadian Foundation for Legal Research 2019: Applying the TRC: Moving beyond reconciliation to Kwayeskastasowin (setting things right). Closed 2022
Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Fellowship 2019-2020: Transformative Governance: Displacing Colonialism – Governance by, of, and for Indigenous Peoples
Abele, F. (PI). (2020-2025). Rebuilding First Nations Governance, $2.5M (CAD), SSHRC 2020, $400,000 to Lavallee, J.M.N. (Prairie Treaties Co-Lead)
LaVallee, A. (PI) (2022-2025) SSHRC Race, Gender, and Diversity Initiative Grant, Indigenous Specific Racism in the Academy: Research towards Action Oriented Change. $450,000 (Co-applicant, Lavallee. J.M.N.)