Doug Surtees
Associate Professor- Address
- 232B Law
Research Area(s)
- Elder Law
- Disability Law
- Wills
- Guardianship
- Public Legal Education
- Contract Law
Professional Education
LLM (Saskatchewan) 1994
LLB (Saskatchewan) 1987
BEd (Saskatchewan) 1983
BA (Saskatchewan) 1981
Doug Surtees joined the faculty in 2005. Prior to his appointment he taught at the College of Law as a sessional lecturer beginning in 1994. He held a term appointment to the College in 2002-2003. He has also taught as a sessional lecturer at the College of Agriculture, the College of Commerce (now Edwards School of Business) and SIAST Institute. Doug was Co-Director of the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) from 1994-2005. Doug has acted as a labour adjudicator and an arbitrator. He is a certified mediator and holds a Professional teaching certificate as well as being a member of the Saskatchewan bar. He is a board member and past president of Easter Seals Canada, a board member and former president of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council, a board member and former president of PLEA. Previously Doug was a board member of the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, and a board member and former chair of the Governance Committee of the Saskatoon Co-op.
Courses Taught
Elder law 416.3
Contracts 201.6
Trusts 326.3
Insurance law 417.3
Wills 428.3
Disability law 429.3
Recent Publications and Research Work
D. Surtees, Constructing Incapacity: Deconstructing Capacity Chapter 19 (273-284) in Comparative Perspectives on Adult Guardianship Kim Dayton ed., (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2014).
D. Surtees, Privacy: A Look at the Disenfranchised in Better Off Forgetting? Essays on Archives, Public Policy and Collective Memory, Chapter Chapter 4 (60-70) in Mona Holmlund and Cheryl Avery, eds., (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010).
D. Surtees, What Can Elder Law Learn From Disability Law? Chapter 7 (93-105) in Disability Theory: in Israel Doran ed., Theories on Law and Ageing: The Jurisprudence of Elder Law (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2009).
D. Goodridge, E. Quinlan, R. Venne, P. Hunter, and D. Surtees, "Planning for Serious Illness by the General Public: A Population-Based Survey," ISRN Family Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID 483673, 8 pages, 2013. doi:10.5402/2013/483673.
D. Surtees, How Goes the Battle?- An Exploration of Guardianship Reform Volume 50 issue 1 Alberta Law Review (August 2012), pages 115-127.
D. Surtees, Case Study: How Not To Draft A Will, The Lawyers Weekly (June 22, 2012) pp. 15,17
D. Surtees, The Evolution of Co-Decision-Making in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Law Review, (2010) volume 73 issue number 1, pages 73-92.
D. Surtees, Procedure ‘B’ is For Bayda. Saskatchewan Law Review, (2007) volume 70 issue number 2, pages 259-268.
D. Surtees, From New York To Saskatoon. New York City Law Review, (2006) volume 9, issue number 2, pages 429-448.