Dress: Business Professional

Showcase of firms/organizations attendees as of Oct. 13th 2022:

  1. CJC & Co. LLP, Saskatoon, SK
  2. Court of King's Bench - Saskatchewan (Both Regina and Saskatoon branches will be represented) 
  3. Felesky Flynn LLP, Saskatoon, SK
  4. Gerrand Rath Johnson LLP, Regina, SK
  5. Kanuka Thuringer LLP, Regina and Swift Current, SK
  6. Lakefield LLP, Saskatoon, SK
  7. Legal Aid Saskatchewan
  8. McDougall Gauley LLP, Saskatoon and Regina, SK
  9. McKercher LLP, Saskatoon and Regina, SK
  10. Miller Thomson LLP, Saskatoon and Regina, SK
  11. MLT Aikins LLP, Saskatoon and Regina, SK
  12. Naidu Legal, Saskatoon, SK
  13. OWZW Lawyers LLP, Regina, SK
  14. Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan, Regina, SK
  15. Robertson Stromberg LLP, Saskatoon, SK
  16. Saskatchewan Government Insurance, Saskatoon and Regina, SK
  17. Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice & Attorney General
  18. Scharfstein LLP, Saskatoon, SK
  19. Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP, Saskatoon, SK
  20. W Law, Saskatoon, SK
  21. Wardell Gillis, Saskatoon, SK

Event Details

02:00 PM - 04:00 PM CST
College of Law Library


Shari Thompson, Director of Career Development