Empowering the Future: Kindra’s Vision for Inclusion in Law Education
Kindra Brooks' initiative in establishing the Black Law Student Association (BLSA) and the Black Law Student 1L Award at the University of Saskatchewan's College of Law, driven by a commitment to diversity and inclusion.
By Angela WorobecWhile the University of Saskatchewan has made great strides in diversity and inclusion, there are always opportunities to do more. Kindra, a dedicated and passionate USask alumna born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, noticed one such opportunity while attending the College of Law and decided to seize it by creating the Black Law Student Association (BLSA) and, with it, the Black Law Student 1L Award.
The journey began with a realization that the representation of Black law students in the J.D. Program could be enhanced. Kindra explains, “I noticed that we didn’t have a lot of Black law students in the J.D. Program. So, I was wondering, what could we do to attract more students to join the Program?”
This realization led Kindra to explore establishing a BLSA at the college. The National Black Law Students Association of Canada, founded in 1968, is a nationwide organization formed to articulate and promote the needs and goals of Black law students and effect change in the legal community. Kindra recognized that her law school was one of the few that did not have a chapter in Canada. Kindra shared, “After the pandemic, I finally started classes in person; I noticed very quickly that there was no community, no Black community, which was a little bit tough for me because I’m used to being part of a Black community everywhere that I go.” Kindra thought the absence of a Black community within the college may deter future black applicants and this further fueled her determination.
Driven by the desire to create a supportive community for Black law students, Kindra took the initiative to establish the BLSA to the Dean. Little did she know that, along with his support, her professors and the college’s Development Officer - this was just the beginning of a transformative journey for herself and the College of Law.
“While we have always had significant Black student representation in our graduate program, this is an important initiative for our J.D. Program” said Dean Martin Phillipson.“ Kindra’s leadership in proposing the establishment of a BLSA in the college was inspiring and we were proud to support her efforts. Kindra’s vision will drive positive change here at the college and we are looking forward to seeing the future impact of the BLSA and 1L Award.”
Kindra’s dedication to ensuring black representation extends beyond her personal journey, she was keenly aware that for the association to thrive, it not only needed a community, but it also needed financial incentives to attract more students, so in addition to helping create the Black Law Student 1L Award, she also donated to its establishment and continues to donate as an alumna.
Kindra remains mindful of the importance of community and family support. Her friends, family, and fellow students played a pivotal role in shaping her decision to enter law school and create positive change within her academic and professional environments. Her continued generosity will undoubtedly inspire and empower future J.D. students to pursue their goals.
The Black Law Student Association 1L Award is funded in part by the student association, alumni, faculty, and donors; however, to sustain this award, it needs more support. You can give online to this award at: law.usask.ca or contact Stacey Schewaga, Development Officer, stacey.schewaga@usask (306-966-5606) for other ways to support this award or create new ones to support the USask Black Law Students.
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