Law Society of Saskatchewan medals awarded to top law graduates
The College of Law is pleased to announce the recipients of the Law Society of Saskatchewan gold, silver and bronze medals for 2021. These medals are awarded to the students with the highest academic standing in the Juris Doctor graduating class.
Gold Medallist – Kali Stahl
Kali grew up in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Before pursuing her post-secondary education, she worked for several years as a professional dancer on cruise ships. During that time, Kali was able to travel the world and work with a diverse group of people, which gave her unique set of life experiences.
After pursuing an accounting degree for two years, Kali began her law school career. Her time at the College of Law was challenging and rewarding having competed on the dispute resolution moot team, working as a teaching assistant, and joining the Saskatchewan Law Review editorial board.
Kali worked as a summer student at MLT Aikins in Saskatoon and will also complete her articles there. Following her articling year she hopes to practice as a corporate commercial lawyer.
Kali is grateful for the support of her husband, family, friends, and classmates and would like to thank the faculty and staff at the College of Law for their guidance along the way.
Silver Medallist – Abby Holtslander
Abby was born and raised in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Prior to law school, Abby earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Great Distinction from the University of Saskatchewan. Upon graduation, Abby received the Copland Prize, which is awarded to the most distinguished graduate in the Social Sciences.
Abby completed her first year of law school at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia, but longing for the prairies, she relocated to Saskatchewan to complete her final two years of law school at the USask College of Law. Abby is grateful for the incredibly warm welcome she received as a transfer student, and could not be happier with her choice to transfer back to her hometown to study and practice law.
During her time at the College of Law Abby sat on the editorial board of the Saskatchewan Law Review and volunteered with Pro Bono Students Canada. In her summers she worked at the Saskatoon Police Service and as a research assistant.
When Abby is not wearing her law student hat, she also participates in the Saskatoon art community as a painter, potter and printmaker. Abby has exhibited her work at local galleries and businesses.
Abby thanks all the excellent professors at the College of Law for making her law school experience such a rewarding time.
After graduation, Abby is looking forward to articling with W Law LLP in Saskatoon.
Bronze Medallist – Jessica Shabtai
Jessica grew up in Thornhill, Ontario, but Nunavut has been her home since 2011. A drive to help vulnerable people through advocacy and promoting access to justice led her to a career in social work and now law. She hopes to bring her social work lens to the practice of law to advocate for clients with an understanding of systemic issues, oppression and marginalization.
She came to law later in life but learned that she loved areas of the law that she never thought would catch her interest. As a USask law student, she participated in the Gale Moot, with her team winning the award for best factum in 2021.
Law school has been a challenge for Jessica as she relearned how to learn while managing ADHD and mental health difficulties in a global pandemic. It has also been an extremely rewarding experience for her.
Outside the law, she enjoys spending time with her cats (Saxi and Frage), whose hobbies include sitting on law textbooks and helping to write assignments and take-home exams by stepping on keyboards.
The College of Law thanks the Law Society of Saskatchewan for supporting these awards.