Law student Graham Sharp wins CIAJ’s 2016 Christine Huglo Robertson Essay Prize
On Aug. 30, 2016, the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) announced that College of Law student Graham Sharp is the recipient of the 2016 Christine Huglo Robertson Essay Prize for his text The Right of Access to Justice Under the Rule of Law: Guaranteeing an Effective Remedy.
Born in Milton, Ontario, Sharp has just entered his third and final year of law at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law. In the summer after his first year, he completed an externship at the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Ottawa and a postgraduate certificate in Dispute Resolution from York University.
As winner of the essay prize, Sharp is invited to attend the CIAJ Annual Conference “Civil Justice and Economics: A Matter of Value,” to be held October 5-7, 2016, in Ottawa.
The prize honours Christine Huglo Robertson, executive director of the Canadian Institute for the CIAJ between 1992 and 2012. It is awarded annually for an original and unpublished paper written by a student, on a topic relating to the administration of justice. Competition for the prize is open only to students registered for an undergraduate degree (JD, LLB, or BCL) at a Faculty of Law of a Canadian university.