Law alumni Henry & Cheryl Kloppenburg give back to community
When choosing a location for their law practice, law alumni Henry and Cheryl Kloppenburg decided to stay true to their Saskatchewan roots. Kloppenburg & Kloppenburg was established in Saskatoon.
Collectively, the Koppenburgs have since practiced law for 75 years, allowing them to personally connect with the community in Saskatoon.
Today, the pair divide their time between their law practice and their extensive philanthropy work.
Find out more about the Kloppenburgs' significant accomplishments and generous contributions including a donation of a 55-piece collection of Inuit Art (displayed in the College of Agriculture and Biosciences) and the annual Kloppenburg Award for Literary Excellence created in 2010, in The Kloppenburg Award for Literary Excellence by Shannon McConnell at http://words.usask.ca/alumninews/2015/10/09/the-kloppenburg-award-for-literary-excellence/
McConnell is a student and aspiring writer currently enrolled in the MFA Writing program at the University of Saskatchewan.