Student research assistants help advance health and data topics at CREATE Justice
This past summer, CREATE Justice welcomed two law students, Mason Stott and Laura Schaan, to help advance the centre's research, evaluation, and action-oriented projects.
In August, the students participated in the University of Saskatchewan's Undergraduate Research Poster Competition. Stott’s research poster focused on advancing the Justice and Health Partnerships topic in Saskatchewan,
“When I started my 2018 summer employment with the College of Law, and before I began working for four months on access to justice topics, my understanding of accessible justice was very rudimentary,” said Stott. “As my summer work progressed, however, I began to realize that access to justice runs much deeper and really gets to the core of both community and individual states of health.”
Schaan's research focused on advancing the centre’s Justice Sector Data Inventory, Evaluation, and Toolkit Project.
“In March 2018, the Sixth Annual Dean’s Forum on Access to Justice and Dispute Resolution at the College of Law, University of Saskatchewan focused on the data deficit that the justice system is experiencing. This data deficit, or justice metrics problem, is largely identifiable in the lack of a system-wide strategy for collecting, storing and analysing justice system usage data to inform best practices," said Schaan. "What I found in my research is that some countries, for example Australia, have made more of a start in collecting basic justice data, sometimes through court user surveys. I also looked at the privacy legislation in Saskatchewan to see if there were any identifiable issues with collecting this type of data in a similar way here.”
Further details on the students’ research can be found below.
Please note that the students’ reflections and posters do not constitute legal advice.